Desde un ordenador unix conectado a un servidor ldap
#getent passwd | awk -F: '{ print $1}' | sort -n | uniq -d | xargs getent passwd
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Friday, 20 January 2012
Clarion sorter with python - dosemu
This is my one of my first i write in python. This program do a sorter for a clarion system, interact with dosemu. Here is the code
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Saturday, 14 January 2012
ssha hash generator
A typical script, that generate ssha hash.
Thanks to the openldap project
Thanks to the openldap project
#!/usr/bin/env python import hashlib import os from base64 import encodestring as encode from base64 import decodestring as decode import getpass def makeSecret(password): salt = os.urandom(4) h = hashlib.sha1(password) h.update(salt) return "{SSHA}" + encode(h.digest() + salt) def checkPassword(challenge_password, password): challenge_bytes = decode(challenge_password[6:]) digest = challenge_bytes[:20] salt = challenge_bytes[20:] hr = hashlib.sha1(password) hr.update(salt) return digest == hr.digest() if __name__ == "__main__": pass1 = getpass.getpass() pass2 = getpass.getpass() if pass1 == pass2: ver = makeSecret(pass1) print ver bol = checkPassword(ver,pass1) print bol else: print "pass are not equals"
Connect to a zk clock
I'm spent a half week try to connect this clock. I use reverse engineering to create a network script that read network packages and do some black magic, but i don't have good result. When i give up, Found this wonderful page that's show me how to dispatch the dll of the clock (The sdk only works in windows, is here). !!!Bingo :) !!Boom goes the dynamite :).
I study the sdk a weekend. Now i'm proud of my code.
This are the methods of the sdk in the code.
Connect_Net(ip, port) # connect to devie
ReadAllUser(machineNumber) #read all user data and put into a buffer
SSR_GetAllUserInfo(machineNumber, EnrrollNumber, Name, Password, Privilege, Enable) #get all the user data from the buffer
ReadGeneralLogData(machineNumber) # read all the attendance data of the clock in put into a buffer
EnableDevice(machinenumber, state) # enabled or disabled the clock
For more information read the TFT manual that comes with the sdk
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 # Author: peter --<> # Purpose: manage the dll of the zk software, thanks to sy, for the prototype code # Created: 06/12/2011 # Todo # 2012/01/06 # we add a ldap proxy to diferrent the user company # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from win32com.client import Dispatch import sys from datetime import datetime import sys, logging import qrclock from proxy import PrLdap ######################################################################## class ZkDispatch(object): """Manage the windows enviroment for the zk connections to the iclock 2000""" __doc__ = 'Manage the operations on the biometric clock' __userdata = [] __logdata = [] __clock = "" __today ='%Y-%m-%d') __proxyldap = PrLdap.ProxyLdap() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): """ Instance the database class, and distpatch the windows dll of the zk sdk """ self.dbmanag = qrclock.QuerysClock(host="XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", user="XXX", passwd="XXXX", db="XXXXX") self.zk = Dispatch("zkemkeeper.ZKEM") logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',filename="c:\\iclock.log",level=logging.DEBUG) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def Connect(self, ip, port, mn): """ first connections to the clock, and retrieve the initialize data Connect_Net(ip, port) """ self.__clock = ip"conectando al reloj %s" % ip) #devPort = 4370 #devIPAddr = ’′ flag = self.zk.Connect_Net(ip,port) if flag:"Conexion exitosa al reloj") else:"Error de conexion, verifique el dispositivo") if self.zk.ReadAllUserID(mn): #print self.zk.GetAllUserInfo(mn, 0, "", "", 0, False) while True: #s= self.zk.GetAllUserInfo(mn, 0, "", "", 0, False) s= self.zk.SSR_GetAllUserInfo(mn, 0, "", "", 0, False) #s= self.zk.GetAllUserID(mn, 0, None, 0, False) if s[0]: #print type(s[3]) #print s self.__userdata.append((s[1], s[2])) else: break #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def QueryAttendanceDb(self, dateb=__today, datee=__today, mn=1): """ Read all the log data by the given date, . we use here the SSR_GetGeneralLogData function of the sdk that use the following parameters machinenumber, enrollnumber, verifymode, outmode, year, month, day, hour, minute, second """ tmpstore = [] if self.zk.ReadGeneralLogData(mn): while True: #i don't why, but no matters if you give a specific date, the method get all the records from the beginning att = self.zk.SSR_GetGeneralLogData(mn, "", 0, 0,2011, 12, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0) #att = self.zk.SSR_GetGeneralLogData(mn, "", None, None, 2011, 5, 13, None, None, None, None) if att[0]: tmpstore.append(att) #print att else: break for v in tmpstore: for u in self.__userdata: if v[1] == u[0]: dtlog = datetime(v[4], v[5], v[6], v[7], v[8], v[9]) dlog = dtlog.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") tlog = dtlog.strftime("%H:%M:%S") ta = self.ChangeAuthType(v[2]) tc = self.ChangeCheckType(v[3]) user = u[1].replace(","," ") self.__logdata.append((v[1], user, ta, tc, dlog, tlog)) for rl in self.__logdata: dcheck = (rl[0], rl[4], rl[5], rl[3]) if self.dbmanag.CheckFirstTime(dcheck): #proxy ldap r = self.__proxyldap.FormatUserCompany(rl[0]) if r: empresa = r[0][1]["Empresa"][0] else: empresa = "NULL" try: dcinser = (rl[0], rl[1].split()[-1].strip(), rl[1].split()[0].strip(), rl[4], rl[5], self.__clock, rl[2], rl[3], empresa) self.dbmanag.InsertData(dcinser) except:"Error al insertar el dato %s" % rl[0]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def ClearLog(self, mn=1): """Clear all the log attendance of the lock""""Borrando logs de registros") self.zk.ClearGLog(mn)"Borrando logs de registros Exito") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def Enabled(self, mn=1, state=1): """Enalbed or disable the device""" if state == 0:"Desactivando dispositivo") else:"Activando dispositivo") self.zk.EnableDevice(mn, state) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def ChangeCheckType(self, ctyp): """change the check type for a human data""" if ctyp == 0: return "Entrada" if ctyp == 1: return "Salida" if ctyp == 2: return "Salida Intermedia" if ctyp == 3: return "Entrada Intermedia" if ctyp == 4: return "Entrada Almuerzo" if ctyp == 5: return "Salida Almuerzo" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def ChangeAuthType(self, atyp): """change the auth type for a human data""" if atyp == 0: return "Clave" if atyp == 1: return "Huella" if atyp == 2: return "Tarjeta" if atyp == 3: return "Clave" if atyp == 4: return "Clave" if atyp == 5: return "Clave" if atyp == 6: return "Clave" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def CalculeTime(self, times): """ calculate how long take the transactions """ ini = times[0] end = times[1] horai, minutoi, segundoi = ini.split(":") horai = int(horai) minutoi = int(minutoi) segundoi = int(segundoi) valor0 = (horai*60)+(minutoi*60)+segundoi horae, minutoe, segundoe = end.split(":") horae = int(horae) minutoe = int(minutoe) segundoe = int(segundoe) valor1 = (horae*60)+(minutoe*60)+segundoe dur = valor1 - valor0"Duracion de la conexion %s segundos" % str(dur)) if __name__ == '__main__': clock = ZkDispatch() ini = ini = ini.strftime("%H:%M:%S") clock.Connect('', 4370, 1) clock.Enabled(1, 0) clock.QueryAttendanceDb() clock.ClearLog(mn=1) clock.Enabled(1, 1) end = end = end.strftime("%H:%M:%S") clock.CalculeTime((ini, end))
Convert a xls file to a ldif file
I create this script to convert this xls file:
Friday, 13 January 2012
Embed python with rsync
This is a nice way to control the backup in our company. I just Embed python with rsync
This is a basci scheme.
'a' copy to 'b', files in production are copy to 'a' and 'b' copy to 'c'--------------------------
A—-> B —> C
#!/usr/bin/env python #better backup, made in python #Autor: peter
from subprocess import call import sys import time import datetime def bkp()
for bkp in [0, 1, 2]: if bkp == 0: #B to C sync("/mnt/company/","","company") sync("/mnt/company1/","","company1") sync("/mnt/company2/","","company2") sync("/mnt/company3/","","company3") elif bkp == 1: #files in production to A sync("/media/company/","/mnt/companybckall","company") sync("","/mnt/companybckall","company1") sync("","/mnt/companybckall","company2") sync("","/mnt/companybckall","company3") elif bkp == 2: #A to B sync("/mnt/comanybckall/","","company") sync("/mnt/company1bckall/","","company1") sync("/mnt/company2bckall/","","company2") sync("/mnt/company3bckall/","","company3") def sync(sources, destins, logs): fecha = fechastr = fecha.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") lognom = destins + "/" + fechastr + "-" + logs + ".log" logerror = destins + "/" + fechastr + "-" + logs + "err" + ".log" rsync = "rsync" # the arguments of the ssh must be in this way to work with crontab :) argum = "-agEvvz --exclude-from=/root/excluir -e \"ssh -i /home/peter/.ssh/id_rsa\"" cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (rsync, argum, sources, destins) while True: ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=open(lognom, "a+"), stderr=open(logerror, "a+")) if ret != 0: time.sleep(30) else: sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": bkp()
this is just a basic use
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