This is a nice way to control the backup in our company. I just Embed python with rsync
This is a basci scheme.
'a' copy to 'b', files in production are copy to 'a' and 'b' copy to 'c'--------------------------
A—-> B —> C
#!/usr/bin/env python #better backup, made in python #Autor: peter
from subprocess import call import sys import time import datetime def bkp()
for bkp in [0, 1, 2]: if bkp == 0: #B to C sync("/mnt/company/","","company") sync("/mnt/company1/","","company1") sync("/mnt/company2/","","company2") sync("/mnt/company3/","","company3") elif bkp == 1: #files in production to A sync("/media/company/","/mnt/companybckall","company") sync("","/mnt/companybckall","company1") sync("","/mnt/companybckall","company2") sync("","/mnt/companybckall","company3") elif bkp == 2: #A to B sync("/mnt/comanybckall/","","company") sync("/mnt/company1bckall/","","company1") sync("/mnt/company2bckall/","","company2") sync("/mnt/company3bckall/","","company3") def sync(sources, destins, logs): fecha = fechastr = fecha.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") lognom = destins + "/" + fechastr + "-" + logs + ".log" logerror = destins + "/" + fechastr + "-" + logs + "err" + ".log" rsync = "rsync" # the arguments of the ssh must be in this way to work with crontab :) argum = "-agEvvz --exclude-from=/root/excluir -e \"ssh -i /home/peter/.ssh/id_rsa\"" cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (rsync, argum, sources, destins) while True: ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=open(lognom, "a+"), stderr=open(logerror, "a+")) if ret != 0: time.sleep(30) else: sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": bkp()
this is just a basic use
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