This is my one of my first i write in python. This program do a sorter for a clarion system, interact with dosemu. Here is the code
Friday, 20 January 2012
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Saturday, 14 January 2012
ssha hash generator
A typical script, that generate ssha hash.
Thanks to the openldap project
Thanks to the openldap project
#!/usr/bin/env python import hashlib import os from base64 import encodestring as encode from base64 import decodestring as decode import getpass def makeSecret(password): salt = os.urandom(4) h = hashlib.sha1(password) h.update(salt) return "{SSHA}" + encode(h.digest() + salt) def checkPassword(challenge_password, password): challenge_bytes = decode(challenge_password[6:]) digest = challenge_bytes[:20] salt = challenge_bytes[20:] hr = hashlib.sha1(password) hr.update(salt) return digest == hr.digest() if __name__ == "__main__": pass1 = getpass.getpass() pass2 = getpass.getpass() if pass1 == pass2: ver = makeSecret(pass1) print ver bol = checkPassword(ver,pass1) print bol else: print "pass are not equals"
Connect to a zk clock
I'm spent a half week try to connect this clock. I use reverse engineering to create a network script that read network packages and do some black magic, but i don't have good result. When i give up, Found this wonderful page that's show me how to dispatch the dll of the clock (The sdk only works in windows, is here). !!!Bingo :) !!Boom goes the dynamite :).
I study the sdk a weekend. Now i'm proud of my code.
This are the methods of the sdk in the code.
Connect_Net(ip, port) # connect to devie
ReadAllUser(machineNumber) #read all user data and put into a buffer
SSR_GetAllUserInfo(machineNumber, EnrrollNumber, Name, Password, Privilege, Enable) #get all the user data from the buffer
ReadGeneralLogData(machineNumber) # read all the attendance data of the clock in put into a buffer
EnableDevice(machinenumber, state) # enabled or disabled the clock
For more information read the TFT manual that comes with the sdk
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 # Author: peter --<> # Purpose: manage the dll of the zk software, thanks to sy, for the prototype code # Created: 06/12/2011 # Todo # 2012/01/06 # we add a ldap proxy to diferrent the user company # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from win32com.client import Dispatch import sys from datetime import datetime import sys, logging import qrclock from proxy import PrLdap ######################################################################## class ZkDispatch(object): """Manage the windows enviroment for the zk connections to the iclock 2000""" __doc__ = 'Manage the operations on the biometric clock' __userdata = [] __logdata = [] __clock = "" __today ='%Y-%m-%d') __proxyldap = PrLdap.ProxyLdap() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): """ Instance the database class, and distpatch the windows dll of the zk sdk """ self.dbmanag = qrclock.QuerysClock(host="XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", user="XXX", passwd="XXXX", db="XXXXX") self.zk = Dispatch("zkemkeeper.ZKEM") logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',filename="c:\\iclock.log",level=logging.DEBUG) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def Connect(self, ip, port, mn): """ first connections to the clock, and retrieve the initialize data Connect_Net(ip, port) """ self.__clock = ip"conectando al reloj %s" % ip) #devPort = 4370 #devIPAddr = ’′ flag = self.zk.Connect_Net(ip,port) if flag:"Conexion exitosa al reloj") else:"Error de conexion, verifique el dispositivo") if self.zk.ReadAllUserID(mn): #print self.zk.GetAllUserInfo(mn, 0, "", "", 0, False) while True: #s= self.zk.GetAllUserInfo(mn, 0, "", "", 0, False) s= self.zk.SSR_GetAllUserInfo(mn, 0, "", "", 0, False) #s= self.zk.GetAllUserID(mn, 0, None, 0, False) if s[0]: #print type(s[3]) #print s self.__userdata.append((s[1], s[2])) else: break #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def QueryAttendanceDb(self, dateb=__today, datee=__today, mn=1): """ Read all the log data by the given date, . we use here the SSR_GetGeneralLogData function of the sdk that use the following parameters machinenumber, enrollnumber, verifymode, outmode, year, month, day, hour, minute, second """ tmpstore = [] if self.zk.ReadGeneralLogData(mn): while True: #i don't why, but no matters if you give a specific date, the method get all the records from the beginning att = self.zk.SSR_GetGeneralLogData(mn, "", 0, 0,2011, 12, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0) #att = self.zk.SSR_GetGeneralLogData(mn, "", None, None, 2011, 5, 13, None, None, None, None) if att[0]: tmpstore.append(att) #print att else: break for v in tmpstore: for u in self.__userdata: if v[1] == u[0]: dtlog = datetime(v[4], v[5], v[6], v[7], v[8], v[9]) dlog = dtlog.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") tlog = dtlog.strftime("%H:%M:%S") ta = self.ChangeAuthType(v[2]) tc = self.ChangeCheckType(v[3]) user = u[1].replace(","," ") self.__logdata.append((v[1], user, ta, tc, dlog, tlog)) for rl in self.__logdata: dcheck = (rl[0], rl[4], rl[5], rl[3]) if self.dbmanag.CheckFirstTime(dcheck): #proxy ldap r = self.__proxyldap.FormatUserCompany(rl[0]) if r: empresa = r[0][1]["Empresa"][0] else: empresa = "NULL" try: dcinser = (rl[0], rl[1].split()[-1].strip(), rl[1].split()[0].strip(), rl[4], rl[5], self.__clock, rl[2], rl[3], empresa) self.dbmanag.InsertData(dcinser) except:"Error al insertar el dato %s" % rl[0]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def ClearLog(self, mn=1): """Clear all the log attendance of the lock""""Borrando logs de registros") self.zk.ClearGLog(mn)"Borrando logs de registros Exito") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def Enabled(self, mn=1, state=1): """Enalbed or disable the device""" if state == 0:"Desactivando dispositivo") else:"Activando dispositivo") self.zk.EnableDevice(mn, state) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def ChangeCheckType(self, ctyp): """change the check type for a human data""" if ctyp == 0: return "Entrada" if ctyp == 1: return "Salida" if ctyp == 2: return "Salida Intermedia" if ctyp == 3: return "Entrada Intermedia" if ctyp == 4: return "Entrada Almuerzo" if ctyp == 5: return "Salida Almuerzo" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def ChangeAuthType(self, atyp): """change the auth type for a human data""" if atyp == 0: return "Clave" if atyp == 1: return "Huella" if atyp == 2: return "Tarjeta" if atyp == 3: return "Clave" if atyp == 4: return "Clave" if atyp == 5: return "Clave" if atyp == 6: return "Clave" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def CalculeTime(self, times): """ calculate how long take the transactions """ ini = times[0] end = times[1] horai, minutoi, segundoi = ini.split(":") horai = int(horai) minutoi = int(minutoi) segundoi = int(segundoi) valor0 = (horai*60)+(minutoi*60)+segundoi horae, minutoe, segundoe = end.split(":") horae = int(horae) minutoe = int(minutoe) segundoe = int(segundoe) valor1 = (horae*60)+(minutoe*60)+segundoe dur = valor1 - valor0"Duracion de la conexion %s segundos" % str(dur)) if __name__ == '__main__': clock = ZkDispatch() ini = ini = ini.strftime("%H:%M:%S") clock.Connect('', 4370, 1) clock.Enabled(1, 0) clock.QueryAttendanceDb() clock.ClearLog(mn=1) clock.Enabled(1, 1) end = end = end.strftime("%H:%M:%S") clock.CalculeTime((ini, end))
Convert a xls file to a ldif file
I create this script to convert this xls file:
Friday, 13 January 2012
Embed python with rsync
This is a nice way to control the backup in our company. I just Embed python with rsync
This is a basci scheme.
'a' copy to 'b', files in production are copy to 'a' and 'b' copy to 'c'--------------------------
A—-> B —> C
#!/usr/bin/env python #better backup, made in python #Autor: peter
from subprocess import call import sys import time import datetime def bkp()
for bkp in [0, 1, 2]: if bkp == 0: #B to C sync("/mnt/company/","","company") sync("/mnt/company1/","","company1") sync("/mnt/company2/","","company2") sync("/mnt/company3/","","company3") elif bkp == 1: #files in production to A sync("/media/company/","/mnt/companybckall","company") sync("","/mnt/companybckall","company1") sync("","/mnt/companybckall","company2") sync("","/mnt/companybckall","company3") elif bkp == 2: #A to B sync("/mnt/comanybckall/","","company") sync("/mnt/company1bckall/","","company1") sync("/mnt/company2bckall/","","company2") sync("/mnt/company3bckall/","","company3") def sync(sources, destins, logs): fecha = fechastr = fecha.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") lognom = destins + "/" + fechastr + "-" + logs + ".log" logerror = destins + "/" + fechastr + "-" + logs + "err" + ".log" rsync = "rsync" # the arguments of the ssh must be in this way to work with crontab :) argum = "-agEvvz --exclude-from=/root/excluir -e \"ssh -i /home/peter/.ssh/id_rsa\"" cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (rsync, argum, sources, destins) while True: ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=open(lognom, "a+"), stderr=open(logerror, "a+")) if ret != 0: time.sleep(30) else: sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": bkp()
this is just a basic use
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Compile python in linux
Download freeze:
Visit my python blog:
python -o output-folder/
cd output-folder
Visit my python blog:
python -o output-folder/
cd output-folder
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Solve any Captcha
This method is: 95.9% accurate(last time I checked). This program uses the site and you'll need an account there.
import urllib, urllib2, sys
if len(sys.argv )<2:
sys.exit("the first argument should be the captcha file")
url = ""
api_key = "API_KEY"
passwd = "PASSWORD"
user = "USERNAME"
img = base64.b64encode(open(sys.argv[1]).read())
values = {'api_key' : api_key,'password' : passwd,'username' : user, 'value':img}
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
the_page =",")
the_page = the_page.replace("\"", "")
the_page = the_page.replace("]", "")
print the_page[1]
Just change the variables the top to your credentials then run it using these arguments:
python '/image/location/image.jpg'
My Def for clicking and controlling the mouse in windows mac and linux
If you are in windows you'll need to install pywin32 and if you are in linux or OSX then you'll need to install xdotool
def click(x, y):
if == "posix":
os.system("xdotool mousemove " + str(x) + " " + str(y))
os.system("xdotool click 1")
in the code it's basically saying if the operating system is posix (linux/mac) then run the nesseary terminal commands the move the mouse to x,y then click it. but if the operating system is not Linux or windows then use win32api (part of pywin32) to move the mouse then click it.
in windows you must:
in Linux/Mac you must:import win32api, win32con
import os
Friday, 6 January 2012
Generate real random urls in python
This will create a random ip address using random.randint(0, 255) like this:
It will then try to get the hosts address by using socket.gethostbyaddr(url) and if it's good/real it will print the address and write it to the file links.txtip0 = str(random.randint(0, 255))
ip1 = str(random.randint(0, 255))
ip2 = str(random.randint(0, 255))
ip3 = str(random.randint(0, 255))
url = ip0 + '.' + ip1 + '.'+ ip2 + '.'+ ip3
import random, urllib2, os, socket, time
from threading import Thread, active_count
f=open("links.txt", 'w')
global p
global done
global alinks
alinks = []
maxurls = 100
def main():
global alinks
global done
global p
while p != maxurls:
ip0 = str(random.randint(0, 255))
ip1 = str(random.randint(0, 255))
ip2 = str(random.randint(0, 255))
ip3 = str(random.randint(0, 255))
url = ip0 + '.' + ip1 + '.'+ ip2 + '.'+ ip3
link = socket.gethostbyaddr(url)
print link[0]
urlContent = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
if urlContent.find('<html') > -1 or urlContent.find('<HTML') > -1:
done = done - 1
maxi = 55
done = maxi
hhh = 0
while hhh != maxi:
Thread(target=main, args=()).start()
while done != 0 or done > 0:
print "Writing to File"
print "Done exiting"
Download -
Download -
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Bruteforce dictionary creator.
Need a dictionary file but don't want to download 36GB? Just use the script to create of for your self.
it takes no arguments, it will ask you for the specs in program.
Need a dictionary file but don't want to download 36GB? Just use the script to create of for your self.
it takes no arguments, it will ask you for the specs in program.
How to compile python in linux
In this tutorial we'll be using freeze , just use your python script as the first argument see:
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Convert Images to text and text back to images
When we convert images to/from text we use base64 and import python you can use base64 by
So this script will open the image from the first argument and save to readable text version as output.txtimport base64
import sys, base64
img = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
txt =
txt2 = base64.b64encode(txt)
txtfile = open("output.txt", 'w')
#print txt2
If you uncomment the last line by removing the '#' it will print out the text value of the image.
And this
import sys, base64Will open the text file as the first argument and output the image to 'output.png'
img = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
txt =
txt2 = base64.b64decode(txt)
txtfile = open("output.png", 'w')
Monday, 2 January 2012
Hide my ass proxy grabber
This program will grabber all the proxies from this page
And will print out each http or https and and will write them to a file if you specify -o in the arguments but it will keep the proxies that are already in the file and will not write the same on twice.
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